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On Air

Weekdays 21:00:00
Saturdays 18:00:00

Greg Healy

Late Night and Weekend Host

So do you know how some people say, “Hey I get to go to Disney World!” or they might exclaim “Hey I get to go deep sea diving and swim with dolphins!”

Well, I say “Hey…I get to work at WCIC!” Not kidding…hosting weekends on WCIC is a privilege and it’s one of the highlights of my week. Why? Well, I’ve always loved radio, and since trusting Christ at age 12, I also developed a love for opportunities to encourage others in their faith.

I started in radio at age 16 playing real records on this big wheel-like thing called a turntable. My radio trek has taken me through Rockford, IL, FT Wayne, Indiana and even overseas to the Philippines. Since moving to Central Illinois with my wife Gina and our two kids, we quickly became acquainted with WCIC. We’ve have always appreciated the ministry of WCIC…and so early in 2021 I reached out to see if they might hire me to pick up fast food for Lindsey and Chris, or maybe they would give me a job dropping off Rick Smith’s dry cleaning (ha ha just kidding)….well as it turned out they actually put me on the air on weekends!

One of my favorite songs these days is called “All Things New” by Big Daddy Weave. It’s just a reminder to me that God is not finished with any of us, and through His Son Jesus, He has made, and is making all things new.

These days Gina and I are getting used to this new phase in life called “Empty-Nestor” as both our kids have left for college. When they left, we began consoling ourselves by eating sushi. We have 2 boy cats to keep us company however…Claude and Samson. Since having them around…our backyard chipmunk problem is no longer a problem.