Somebody Like Me (feat. CAIN) album image

Somebody Like Me (feat. CAIN)

Caleb & John

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Hands holding each other in support as a group of people


Let’s come together and pray for each other! This is a safe place for you to share what’s on your heart with others in the community. Share your prayer requests anonymously, and be uplifted as others pray with you!


Newest Prayers Recent without prayers

July 26, 2024


I'm having surgery on my neck which makes me very nervous so I ask for prayer for a smooth recovery and for safe travels for my mom who's coming up to be with me.

July 25, 2024

Praise to Answered Prayer!

I just now found all the geneology items I had lost!!!!!! Thank you Jesus because this means so much to me!!!!!

July 25, 2024

Health Emergency

Prayer requested for my son David for ongoing boils and surgery on Thursday. This surgery is very serious with all the infections inside it. Pray they can figure out the source of these continuing to plague him …. He’s been in so much pain and praying for relief. THANK YOU and God bless your time and prayers.

July 25, 2024


My husband is in the ICU and needs some prayer. We are not very close and our kids are grown but I've come back from a Christian concert and my husband is ill. A blood clot in his stomach has caused him not to eat for a week. I'm supposed to be in California for my daughter I'm exhausted

July 25, 2024


At obgyn to get tested for endometriosis. Very nervous and feeling alone. I know God is here but could use some prayer.

July 25, 2024

Prayers for Meghan

My daughter Meghan is battling breast cancer, today is her 6th chemo treatment. Prayers for healing, and that she will have no permanent side effects. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will be glorified throughout this journey and Meghan will be aware of His presence with her now and always. Thank you for your faithful prayer ministry!

July 25, 2024

Safe Travels and Successful Surgery

Need prayer for my family. My wife and I are headed to Chicago later today and my son and daughter will be traveling to Chicago later tonight. I have cancer surgery tomorrow morning at 7am Please pray for safe travels for all and successful surgery.

July 24, 2024

Single Mom

12 years ago I was in a very toxic marriage but now, with a job and expensive health care, I'm struggling financially to provide for my two kids. My son is about to go to college and my previous husband hasn't ever paid child support. I want to take him to court but I’m scared and can’t afford a lawyer. Pray God will give me direction or by a miracle he takes responsibility by getting a job, paying for child support, and paying for their insurance. 

July 23, 2024


Today is a very big test!!! I know God has gotten me this far that He would never abandon me. Unfortunately, I have test anxiety so my prayer is to be calm and finish strong!

July 22, 2024

Surgery and Healing

Please pray for Ed. He had back surgery on 7/22/24. They now have to wait and see if he will have relief, if there is nerve damage, or if he will suffer paralysis. I am standing in the gap for my friend that there would be complete healing. He will have complete relief. Complete healing!