October 10, 2024 @ 8:30 am – October 11, 2024 @ 1:30 pm
Oct 9 & 10, 2024 – Peoria, IL
Harvesting hope by coming together to address hunger and promote well-being for all
Over 42,000 people in the Tri-County area lack access to the food they need to live an active and healthy life. The goal of the Central Illinois Nutrition Security Summit is to bring together all those interested in ensuring every member of our community has access to the foods they need to grow and thrive. We envision a future where all have access to three nutritious meals every day and you can join the conversation and be a part of the solution at the Central Illinois Nutrition Security Summit. During the two days of the summit, participants will have a chance to network, learn, and strategize about future steps to help improve the nutrition security of all our neighbors.
Find more details about the plans and the registration online: https://bit.ly/cinutritionsummit.

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