Somebody Like Me (feat. CAIN) album image

Somebody Like Me (feat. CAIN)

Caleb & John

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Go Tell It On The Mountain

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Official Video

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While shepherds kept their watching
Over silent flocks by night
Behold throughout the heavens
There shone a holy light

Go, tell it on the mountain
Over the hills and everywhere
Go, tell it on the mountain
That Jesus Christ is born!

The shepherds feared and trembled
When low above the Earth
Rang out the angel chorus
That hailed our Savior’s birth

Down in a lowly manger
Our humble Christ was born
And God sent us salvation
On that blessed Christmas morn

Go, tell it on the mountain
Over the hills and everywhere
Go, tell it on the mountain
That Jesus Christ is born!

I was a lonely seeker
I sought both night and day
When I asked the Lord to help me
He showed me the way

He made me a watchman
Upon a city wall
And if I am a Christian
I am the least of all

Go, tell it on the mountain
Over the hills and everywhere
Go, tell it on the mountain
That Jesus Christ is born!

Go tell it, Go tell it, Go tell it, Go on and tell it

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