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A man in the clouds on top of a mountain. The sun is rising and he has his fist in the air victoriously

YES Day survey

Thank you so much for serving today. We are very excited to see how God shows up today!

All day on-air,, we will be sharing stories of people saying YES to Jesus, and learning more about knowing Him. We will be asking listeners to call us for 2 main things.

  1. They want to start a relationship with Jesus
  2. They would like prayer.

In some situations, the caller might like to speak to someone of the same gender. In this scenario, just please place them on hold, and we will have someone of the same gender, speak with them.

Below, we have a form for capturing information. This form can be used for any person who calls to accept Jesus.  We would love to capture their information for one of the staff members to send them an online course about Knowing Jesus and touch base with them on the start of their journey. The class is developed by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.

The caller will not be put into any contact list for mailings/solicitation from WCIC.  Only will be contacted by a staff person from WCIC to see how they are doing, send them a link to an online class, recommend them to get connected in a church and see what resources they would need in their walk.